You can help us by telling us about your experience at MMH – we want to hear your comments, compliments, concerns and complaints. What you and your patient experience when you come to MMH matters to us. We want to provide the best experience possible during what we realise must be a difficult time in your lives.
Understanding your visit or stay at MMH can tell us:
- where things are working well
- where there might be risks so we can take action to reduce and eliminate them
- where we need to make some changes and improvements
We regard any comments, compliments, concern and complaints about our services as an opportunity to learn and make improvements. Your patient’s care will not be affected in any way by you telling us your experience. Copies of any letters or investigations are never filed in your patient’s medical records.
How you can tell us about your experience
You can tell us about your experience in various ways:
- by completing our online feedback form
- using our Friends and Family Test cards, which you can drop it into one of the comments boxes in various locations around the hospital
- in person – face to face to a member of staff. Our Administration office is located in the ground floor.
- by email to
- by telephone on 0726 869359 or 0724 523597
It helps us if you can give as much information as possible, such as when you had the experience, where it happened and, unless you want to remain anonymous, your patient’s name and hospital number.
Please note that if you are a parent or carer requiring urgent medical advice relating to your patient’s care, you should contact your regular consultant or clinical team or contact the MMH Administration. If you want to raise a concern or make a complaint, please see below for further details.
Friends and Family Test
The Friends and Family Test is an important opportunity for you to provide feedback on the care and treatment your patient receives at MMH. We use the information gathered to improve services. When your patient is discharged, or within the 48 hours that follow, you will be given the opportunity to answer the following question:
“How likely are you to recommend our ward or department to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?”
You will be invited to respond to the question on a paper feedback form by choosing one of six options, ranging from ‘extremely likely’ to ‘extremely unlikely’. Your answer is voluntary but if you do answer, your feedback will provide valuable information to help ensure our patients and families continue to have the best possible experience of care. Your answer will not be traced back to you, and your details will not be passed on to anyone.
How we are doing the Friends and Family Test at MMH?
All patients are given the opportunity to complete the Friends and Family Test feedback card or online form. The feedback cards can be returned by placing them in the feedback box on the ward. We are also looking to increase the number of ways that families and patients can respond to the Friends and Family Test question.
The results of the Friends and Family Test at MMH will be displayed on wards around the hospital.
Who to contact
If you have any questions about the Friends and Family Test at MMH or if you would like any further information, please contact us on 0726 869359, 0724 523593 or email to
Other ways of sharing your experience
The best way we can learn how to improve what we do and how we do it is to listen to your experience. Seeing our services through your and your patient’s eyes can highlight areas we may miss as members of staff.
Improving your experience
Learning from your experience means that we can target improvements to the things that really matter to our patients and families. Some of the areas we have investigated and improved recently include:
MMH aims to maintain high-quality patient care and your feedback is greatly appreciated. As with all feedback, the information you provide will be kept fully confidential.